Architecture and its experimental form
Tutors: Javier
Introduction :
Unit_X is a 6 week, 1-1 remotely tutored, design-unit format for the exploration of novel typologies in architectural design.
The aim of the course is to fully engage with a teaching methodology where advanced modelling, visualisation and a speculative mindset converge to discuss future architectures.
Nature, new composite materials and contemporary modes of fabrication like large scale 3D printing will be some of the key topics that will inform our designs.
The course will start with an initial conversation about the brief and your personal objectives and interests. It will be followed by weekly 1-1 tutorials. We will finish with a presentation of the final work in the format of an online crit with invited critic guests.
All Unit_X students will have full access to Softbiome's webinars and courses published on the web to date and you will continue having access to the material for 2 years from the completion of the course. - I strongly suggest starting with Fabrics 1.0 and Multi-objects. Our work will focus on the production of hybrid 3D models created between these 2 software packages. We will also use Rhino for certain tasks and Redshift (Houdini) for rendering.
Unit X 1-1 classes are recorded and the student can replay the recordings for the next 2 years since completion of the course.
Structure :
13 hours across 6 consecutive weeks (starting date to be agreed)
1 hour ---------> Introduction
11 hours -------> 1-1 tutoring
1 hours --------> crit
week 1 / 1h ​​(Saturday or pre-arranged day)
1-1 Introduction to the course.
Conversation about the brief.
week 2 / 3h (Saturday or pre-arranged day)
1-1 tutorial
Assistance with software
Rendering with Redshift (Houdini)
Basic Rhino (if necessary)
week 3 / 3h (Saturday or pre-arranged day)
1-1 tutorial
Assistance with software
week 4 / 2h (Saturday or pre-arranged day)
1-1 tutorial
Assistance with software
week 5 / 3h (Saturday or pre-arranged day)
1-1 tutorial
Assistance with software
week 6 / 1h (Saturday or pre-arranged day)
For more detailed info, ask questions or have a chat about the program please send an email to: javier@softbiome.online
Examples of processes and outcomes of the course :